Where your family becomes our family.
Inside Visitation- 9-28-2020
Since the weather is starting to get colder, we are now scheduling indoor visits. These visits will follow the same format as our outdoors visits.
- 1 visit a week (we will allow 2 if you call the afternoon before)
- 1 hr long
- screening done before each visit
- 2 visitors at a time
- masks must be worn at all times
- no kids
- same 2 people the whole visit (no switching people halfway)
Visits will be available
Monday- 10am
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday- 10am and 1pm
There may be occasional weekends and longer hours during the week. We will post on our page when we will have those available.
Thank you to everyone for making our outdoor visits successful and for understanding and following all the guidelines.
If you would like to schedule a visit or have any questions, please call the facility 641-710-2215 and talk to our Social Worker, Melanie or email her at mgerbig.scnh@gmail.com
We will use the COVID-19 county positivity rate, found on the COVID-19 Nursing Home Data site as additional information to determine how to facilitate indoor visitation: • Note: county positivity rate does not need to be considered for outdoor visitation. COVID-19 Nursing Home Data site is located at https://data.cms.gov/stories/s/COVID-19-NursingHome-Data/bkwz-xpvg
Outdoor Visitation- 8-12-20
Happy Wednesday! We are excited to announce that we can now start scheduling our outdoor visits with our plexi-glass chat boxes! We have gotten the approval for Public Health to start. If you would like to visit with your loved one please contact our Social Worker, Melanie by either calling the facility 641-710-2215 or emailing mgerbig.scnh@gmail.com. Visitations will be scheduled as first come first serve. The following times will be offered for visitors.
Monday- 10am
Tuesday- 10am and 1pm
No visits on Wednesdays
Thursday- 10am and 1pm
Friday- 10am and 1pm
Each visit will be an hour long and only 2 visitors are allowed and no kids. Only 1 visit a week for each resident. Visitors will be screened before each visit and will be required to wear a mask. No touching, hugging, etc will be allowed and you must stay in designated visitation area until visit is completed. If any violations, visitors will be asked to leave and resident will be quarantined for 14 days.
Each visit location will be covered so as long as it is not storming or raining hard we will continue with visits. We will call you if we think it is not safe for visits and will reschedule.
If the number of positive cases in our county increase and get out of control we will have to stop these outdoor visits. We are keeping the residents health and wellness as our top priority.
We will still be offering window visits but we do ask that you schedule them around the outdoor visits so that the windows will be accessible.
If you have any other questions please reach out to Melanie.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Stay safe and healthy!
Visitation Update 7-13-2020
We know that everyone is wondering when we will be allowed to have visitors again and we wish we could give a definite answer. We have gotten some additional guidance on visitation so please click on the button below and read through and if you have any questions please reach out to the facility or email Melanie our Social Worker at mgerbig.scnh@gmail.com.
Iowa Phased Easing Of LTC Restrictions
We hope you all are continuing to stay safe and healthy. As the state of Iowa has continued to loosen the restrictions and open things back up, we have been getting questions regarding the three phases of re-opening Nursing Facilities. Click below to see the visual from Leading Age that better explains the three phases and how things will look as we move through each phase.
Stacyville Community Nursing Home is currently in Phase 1. We will let you know as we proceed through each phase or if we have to return to a lesser phase. Please note it is at the discretion of SCNH's Infection Control Team and the Iowa Department of Public Health on when to safely proceed to the next phase. Please know the decision will be decided keeping your loved one in our best interest. SCNH will be contacting POA's in the future in regards to visitation and how things may look when we can allow visitors again. In the meantime, we have Ipad’s available for use to Skype and FaceTime and allow window visits while still social distancing.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process of transitioning through these phases. We will continue to keep you updated as to when we move from phase to phase. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Meals on Wheels- 3-18-2020
We are still offering Meals on Wheels. We will continue to serve as volunteers are not entering our building. If you are a volunteer we do ask that you use the back entry way. The food will be ready for you there. Please DO NOT enter the building. When you return, please leave coolers in entry way so that we can sanitize before bringing them back into the facility. This is for the protection of our residents. We are infection free, and hope that we can keep it that way.
If you have any questions please call Kim Adams 641-710-2215.
Update 3-14-2020
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued new guidelines for Skilled Nursing Facilities
Below are a few of the Guidelines
All individuals other than essential health care staff and visits for end-of-life situations should no longer enter facilities until further notice.
Cancel all group activities and communal dining.
Implement active screening of residents and health care personnel for respiratory symptoms.
a. SCNH will continue screening staff at the beginning of their shifts, and visitors for any fevers and respiratory symptoms. ​
b. SCNH will take residents temps daily and screen for respiratory symptoms.
Click here for frequently asked questions.
As you may have heard in the news, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified as presumptively positive in Johnson County, Iowa by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). We do not have any cases of COVID-19 in our community, but this development triggers heightened infection control practices and protocols as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Please know that the health and wellness of our residents are our number one priority. We are now taking steps to prevent this illness and be positioned to respond quickly and effectively should it impact someone in our setting.
- If there is an extreme reason for a visit, please discuss the situation with Kay Frevel, Administrator in advance of your visit.
- Please know that the news about the spread of this new disease is concerning for us all. We understand that communication with your loved ones is incredible important and we encourage you to communicate with them in other ways such as the telephone, video chat, email, or social media.
- Please continue to visit our website and facebook page for further information and regular updates.
Contact Kay Fravel at 641-710-2215 or email scnh.kfravel@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
For more information on COVID- 19, please check out the updates from the CDC and IDPH.